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Maple Grove Golf  Leagues 

If you or your group are looking to join or establish a Golf League, please feel free to contact someone in our Pro Shop at 734-854-6777.

2024  Leagues now forming - we still have a few spots opened for full leagues or if you are looking to join a league we have leagues looking for players. 

Maple Grove runs a Monday night league that has been in existence for more than 30 years.  It is a mixed league with a format of individual stroke play, handicap scoring, point system.  The league is divided up into 8 weeks of the Spring season and 8 weeks of Summer season with a Fun Day scramble at the end of each season.  Play in one season or play in both.  Contact the shop for more info.

Maple Grove Golf
6360 Secor Rd Lambertville, MI
734 854 6777
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